Hearts of Gold Wellness Grant Awards

The Hearts of Gold Wellness Grant Program is dedicated to improving the health, morale, and overall wellness for members of the Tucson Police Department. Grant applications are accepted year-round and reviewed quarterly. our description here.  Hearts of Gold started this program in the Spring of 2022 and has granted every request they have received.

2023 4th Quarter

Last fall, Officer Soeder applied for and was received a Wellness Grant on behalf of the Behavioral Sciences Unit for a suicide prevention training.  TPD co-hosted this training along with along with The United States Attorney’s Office, District of Arizona. The training was sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice, however, this did not cover the cost of any food for participants.  The Tucson Police Department’s Behavioral Sciences Unit had a vision to deliver a true no-cost experience to Officers during this training. This grant provided beverages such as water, coffee, snacks and during one of the training segments, lunch to all participants.  Kudos to BSU and Officer Soeder for enhancing this awesome training for all participants.  

2023 3rd Quarter

As an integral part of the TPD Wellness Team, Detective Natalie Pike heads up the organizing of the annual "Pride for the Patch" fitness challenge. This is an interagency fitness competition that began in 2018. In the past couple of years, they have seen a decrease in participation so this year, Natalie wanted to incentivize participation as well as maintaining fitness goals year to year. She applied for and was granted $2,500 to provide prizes for the top finishers in the competition. Hearts of Gold is proud to support this awesome effort to improve the overall health, wellness, and morale of our Department and all Southern Arizona law enforcement. Great job Natalie!

2023 2nd Quarter

Crime Scene Specialist Garrett Myers submitted a request to continue improving the fitness equipment at the Evidence, Property, and Identification Center (EPIC).  In 2022, Garrett received a grant to purchase a weight rack.  This request was to purchase a rowing and strength machine to add to the fitness room at Epic.  Congratulations CSS Myers!  We hope this new equipment helps our EPIC personnel reach their fitness and health goals!

2023 1st Quarter Grant Award

Sergeant Tamra Thomas in the Behavioral Sciences Unit submitted a Grant Request to equip a respite room at the main police station for officers who have been involved in a critical incident.  The room was supplied with comfortable furniture and other items to support officers in these situations.  Thank you Sergeant Thomas!

2022 4th Quarter Grant Award

In December 2022, Sergeant Rich Legarra submitted a Wellness Grant Request for a training to address PTSD in the Special Operations Community.  In March, the trainers presented to members of the TPD SWAT Team, Hostage Negotiations Team, K-9 Unit, and EOD Unit.  Hearts of Gold is proud to have supported this training to improve the overall health and wellness of these Department members.  Thank you to Sergeant Legarra for identifying this need and submitting the request!

2022 3rd Quarter Grant Award                      

As an integral part of the TPD Wellness Team, Detective Natalie Pike heads up the organizing of the annual "Pride for the Patch" fitness challenge.  This is an interagency fitness competition that began in 2018.  In the past couple of years, they have seen a decrease in participation so this year, Natalie wanted to incentivize participation as well as maintaining fitness goals year to year.  She applied for and was granted $2,500 to provide prizes for the top finishers in the competition.  Additionally, with remaining funds, Natalie was able to host an inter-agency intermural sport day to increase moral amongst our department and across all participating Southern Arizona Departments.  Hearts of Gold is proud to support this awesome effort to improve the overall health, wellness, and morale of our Department and all Southern Arizona law enforcement.  Great job Natalie!

2022 1st Quarter Grant Award

In March 2022, Crime Scene Specialist Garrett Myers identified a need for fitness equipment at the Evidence, Property, and Identification Center (EPIC).  He took the time to identify the need and survey personnel to find out their preferences and interest.  He submitted a request for just over $2,400 to purchase the pictured fitness equipment and was awarded the grant.  Congratulations to Garrett on identifying this need for a section of the Department and taking the initiative to facilitate the health and wellness of our Evidence and Identification personnel! 

2021 4th Quarter Grant Award

In October 2021, Officer Jason Barton was organizing a fitness competition for the Tucson Police Department.  The top 10 participants with the highest percentage body fat loss would win two months of meals from Stay Naked Kitchen discounted their meals by 50% and pledged to match Jason's cost of $1,000.  Jason submitted a grant request for that $1,000 and Hearts of Gold was proud to award the grant.  Congratulations to Jason and the 10 finishers who worked so hard to meet their fitness goals!  We hope these meals help keep you on track and motivate you to continue your fitness journey!

2021 3rd Quarter Grant Award

In September 2021, Officer Mike Gamez submitted a grant request on behalf of the TPD Wellness Team.  The request was for $2,500 to purchase the pictured fitness equipment to supplement the equipment in the gym at the westside substation for small group fitness classes.  Congratulations Officer Gamez!  We hope this equipment encourages health, fitness and overall wellness for the TPD team.